Thursday, February 15, 2007

CIO Magazine quotes me in article about SPAM

The senior online editor, Esther Schindler, from CIO magazines website had posted in the Lotus forums, and probably in many other sites as well looking for insights about SPAM and LOB(Lines of Business) and CXO's.
You can read the article here.
There were many thoughts pushed, but the one which I htink was missed, although an obvious one, is the following:
SPAM falls under SECURITY not messaging infrastructure or some other "admin" task area.
SPAM can and will be used against your organization at some point in time and who has the budget, if not the resources, to handle it? Not the IT staff. The security staff.
OK, so Postini is a great option, I met them at Lotusphere 2007 and previously. But maybe you are not big enough to pay for them. Maybe you should rethink it.
Look into the expenses you have now to fight spam, from hardware, software, time effort of the IT staff, telecoms/data traffic, and you start to see big numbers.
Read the article if you think SPAM is just a monty python skit!