Thursday, May 31, 2007

SLUG follows its name

Well it's done. The first meeting came and went and the numbers were small.
BUT life is good, lined up 2 more sponsors for future meetings, so I get to try again to grow the LUG.

Some good conversations around R8 and the buzz at Lotusphere, was it really 4 months ago?!
Motorola was great, gave away a Treo700 from a Verizon network and some nice padfolios.

Hotel was excellent, I recommend it for events, Radisson Miami in downtown.

To all who did not come, shame on you and don't complain about no Lotus help down here.
But call me, email me, suggest something.

Since the IBM person did not show I was the evangelist and am perfectly happy to be so.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Southeast Lotus User Group Premiere

Well I have finally nailed a date down, May 30th.

Radisson Miami for the premier event of the SLUG.

Came up with some logos too. I like the religion thing. Perhaps IBM's ad campaigns can do some comparative religion courses for CIOs.


Anyway, now I need to find every Lotus perosn in South Florida, so please let them know if you know any to contact me.

Motorola's Good technology is sponsoring, but I hope to have some Lotus support for speakers or presentations for me to give on the future and updates on Connections.

By the way I have I said how much I love spam-sentinel?

Thursday, May 03, 2007

More Lotus ads that may never see the light of day

Lotus leverage, less baggage, more functions.
Lotus lives!

Golf ad/commercial:
Comparing golf clubs, the ball is behind a tree, but enough to pop over it, do you want the 9 iron? Or do you want an 8 iron? Your software should be as open to choices as you are.
Lotus've got to take a shot...we have the choice of clubs.

Wall street ad:
Do you buy on the gut or the computations?
Sometimes everyone needs options.
Lotus've got choices...we have the options.

Football ad:
3rd and goal from the 3 yard line, run or pass?
Having a half back option pass would be helpful.
Lotus software...prepared to go the extra yards...can you?

Legal ad:
Some clients require heavy caseload upfront. Others want everything at the last minute.
Lotus Software...legally we can't say much...but some lawyers are golfing with more clients.

IT ad:
Keep the lights on, keep the lights on, that's all they think of IT even though you try to plan for the future.
Sometimes what you need, you already have and don't know it.
Lotus software...we planned for this you can plan for the future.

2 guys on a golf course, 1 says: what do you do? The other says: I help my clients retire young and wealthy.
Lotus software...helping businesses with risk...because the reward is worth it.

I share because I care. (apologies to Monsters, Inc.)

Retirement and Lotus

I just came back from my mom's retirement party. Nearly 25 years with the same organization.
And now she says she wants to illustrate children's books.
Well it's a better answer than golf in my opinion when asked what she will do after she retires.
So what does this have to do with Lotus?
Well, it's been almost 20 years since Notes came out and is it ready to be retired?
Hell no!
Businesses keep buying it, using it, licensing it.
But at the same time, are we making it a mainframe?
Is it becoming legacy or is it about to reincarnate itself?
Perhaps someone in Lotus or IBM should or did write a memo similar to the ones of mythical status from Gates and Ozzie at Microsoft.
What would it say and how would we get there?
The journey has been hard, but we have gotten to the top of the mountain, and when we see the guru, he says: 42.

"Forty-two!" yelled Loonquawl. "Is that all you've got to show for seven and a half million years' work?"
"I checked it very thoroughly," said the computer, "and that quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually known what the question is."

So perhaps the question is the problem. It is NOT how do we promote Lotus?
Nor is it a case of this brand for this product.
You could argue it's a maze and we are on the right course, presuming we could see the way out.
No it's more deeper than that even.

In a world where anything is possible, could Lotus find its way to the top of the hill again?
Can it beat Microsoft at it's own game?
Did Lotus miss something by not setting up Domino to be SaaS? Yes it can be, but is rarely done that way.
Lotus was always ahead of the curve from a technical/cultural perspective and is again, but the problem is the world is not quite ready to listen as intently as they used to in the early days.

I see an open jar of honey with a Microsoft logo stuck in it and the IBM bee swirling around stinging it.

Lotus Ad Campaigns

I posted this on Ed Brill's blog:

(My apologies to animal house)Was it over when 123 ran adrift? Was it over when OS/2 disappeared? Was it over when Exchange came out? Hell no! And it ain't over now, 15+ years later Notes is still going strong across 6 OS's, 3 client OS's and one excellent annual event.
Who's with me....
Lotus, we never stopped working together, when did you?

And maybe some other ways of looking at this exist, like:

Remember your first car? Sure it worked, but it leaked oil, had some braking issues, right?
But you still remember the great feeling of driving, even if you don't have the car anymore.

What if you could have that same car, in modern times and it took care of itself?
Well you can.... show matching cars 20 years apart.
Then cut to a Lotus Notes Release 1 box and then R8 box.
We'd let you test drive it whenever you

More ideas later