Monday, November 20, 2006

"Birds of a Feather" at Lotusphere '07 a gift from my Peers

Cool news, some of you and others in the Yellow world have voted my BoF session be included at Lotusphere 2007.
I'd like to thank everyone who voted for it even if it was only my friends ;-0.

The topic is Now You See Admin, Now You Don't!
I am not sure completely what i wrote about the abstract but it probably was the one dealing with remote admin(outsourcing) or how not to let others manage your network for you without some guidelines. But since everyone voted and it was selected presumably I hit a point of contention.
Well that or only 2 other people submitted sessions which is unlikely given how many were submitted overall according to Ed Brilland the emails I received from Lotus.
Either way, I am sure some input will come from Lotus and other people along the way. So please inquire and let me know your thoughts.
I guess I have to dust off the old Lotus presenter shirt, black button down with a lotus logo by the pocket.

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