Thursday, May 03, 2007

More Lotus ads that may never see the light of day

Lotus leverage, less baggage, more functions.
Lotus lives!

Golf ad/commercial:
Comparing golf clubs, the ball is behind a tree, but enough to pop over it, do you want the 9 iron? Or do you want an 8 iron? Your software should be as open to choices as you are.
Lotus've got to take a shot...we have the choice of clubs.

Wall street ad:
Do you buy on the gut or the computations?
Sometimes everyone needs options.
Lotus've got choices...we have the options.

Football ad:
3rd and goal from the 3 yard line, run or pass?
Having a half back option pass would be helpful.
Lotus software...prepared to go the extra yards...can you?

Legal ad:
Some clients require heavy caseload upfront. Others want everything at the last minute.
Lotus Software...legally we can't say much...but some lawyers are golfing with more clients.

IT ad:
Keep the lights on, keep the lights on, that's all they think of IT even though you try to plan for the future.
Sometimes what you need, you already have and don't know it.
Lotus software...we planned for this you can plan for the future.

2 guys on a golf course, 1 says: what do you do? The other says: I help my clients retire young and wealthy.
Lotus software...helping businesses with risk...because the reward is worth it.

I share because I care. (apologies to Monsters, Inc.)

1 comment:

Sean Burgess said...

How about this for a golf commercial?

The guy in a yellow and black shirt has a bag full of every club available and the guy in the blue shirt has 15 golf bags all taped together, each with 1 club inside. You can either have software that does everything works together seamlessly or try and duct tape your solution together alone.